
Howdy! I’m Melody, mother of 3, faithful and happily married wife to my husband since 1994, and I like a lot of different things. I like music most of all, many forms of art from fine art to arts and crafts, manga, sewing, and learning new things. We are a homeschool family. You’ll see a few posts about that topic. What you won’t see are paid promotions on my blog because I don’t do that. If I like a product and want to tell you about it, I’ll let you know. If I don’t like a product, I’ll let you know that, too. Both topics will be discussed with a wordy and descriptive reason telling you why I hold to that particular opinion. I’ll blog about school stuff, church stuff, life, ups and downs, all my own opinions, humble or otherwise. I can be blunt and tactless when I speak but when I write, I usually do a better job of getting my point across. It’s never my intent to hurt anyone and I always feel terrible about it when I do. If you wish to express an opposing opinion on a topic or product, please feel free to do so but please keep it civil and courteous. Just say what you need to say without involving anyone else. I’m not a referee and I have no intention of ever becoming one.

Also, from time to time, I may share photos on my blog. If you like them, please seek the permission of the photographer before downloading and using them yourself. The photos I take myself are my own property. Please treat them as such. I don’t like hurting people but that doesn’t mean I’m a doormat. Don’t take my stuff or any of the stuff I share from other people. If you like what I post, ask for permission from the appropriate person, please. My family has a small business and we do sell my husband’s photographic art prints as part of that business, which is why I take this so seriously.

With that, I believe I’ve covered a good bit so I’ll leave it at that. I really want my readers to enjoy what they see on this blog. I hope you’ll tag along for this blogging journey. I don’t post regularly but I have been trying to post more often than I used to. And now that both my blogs are in the same place, it should be less difficult to keep up with.  I hope so, anyway.

Laugh a lot and remember to breathe!

11 thoughts on “About

      1. OK. Thanks for the info. It might be a bit before I get it up there but I’ll do my best to do it as quickly as possible. I’ve been working on a ton of things lately.


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